Monday, August 29, 2016

The Loss of the Chapterhouse Archives Series

Gave this sadly neglected blog a big jolt of new content last night, including starting pages for allies, foes, and the All-New Classic series, and adding recent releases to the "Current Canuck" page.

This burst of blogging energy was fueled by a purchase I made from Chapterhouse's online store earlier in the evening. I took advantage of their summer sale to catch up. I got the Summer Special, issue 8 of the main series, Northguard #1 and the first two issues of All-New Classic Canuck. I'm going to be at my cottage all next week so hopefully they are delivered in time for that.

While looking up some information, I came across a news story from June on which explained that the Chapterhouse Archives series had been cancelled. Excerpt from that article copied below (The cover art displayed is by Joe Constantini):
I got in touch with (Chapterhouse Comics) who told me that they were “just restructuring our offerings a little. We had some very low orders for early issues of both of the Chapterhouse Archives series as well as the variant covers.” 
“With the Captain Canuck title being behind, Diamond asked us to resolicit it, which has us releasing #9 in September. It was a good idea as it allows us to get ahead on issues so we shouldn’t run into delays again. 
That is why “The Gauntlet” (trade paperback collecting issues 7-11 of the main series) had to be cancelled. The arc wouldn’t be completed in time. I don’t have the exact date, but I believe it will be solicited again in one of the fall Previews.”
Fair enough. You have to appreciate the honesty there. I admit that I had no plans to buy it.  There are only so many ways to reprint old material. And I already own all the originals.

I had been curious about the additional material included in each book, however, and am a little curious as to what will happen, if anything, with the stories that had been planned. Let's have a look at what did reach shelves...
Captain Canuck #1: ...all-new back story, written and drawn by Richard Comely himself! 
Captain Canuck #2: all-new back-up story written and drawn by Claude St. Aubin. (TCCL Note: The Comixology version states: " all-new back-up story written by our Publisher, Fadi Hakim and drawn by Mike Rooth!" so it seems plans changed there)
...And what didn't...
Captain Canuck #3: all-new 5 page back story (that takes place between Captain Canuck #3 and 4) by George Freeman. 
Captain Canuck #4: all-new story that takes place in-between issues 4 and 5, written by Fadi Hakim and illustrated by Mike Rooth (Red Sonja/Conan). 
Captain Canuck #5: all-new story by Richard Comely. 
Captain Canuck #6: all new 5-page back story by Davis Dewsbury and Andrew Thomas (TCCL Note: of Auric Of The Great White North fame).
Starts to add up, eh? The solicitation for the Northguard issues also referred to new material by original creators Mark Shainblum and Gabriel Morrissette but the Comixology version makes no mention of it.

But even setting that aside, it appears as though we have about 30 pages of largely unused material. Perhaps it could be compiled and made into a Holiday Special, or next year's Summer Special? Let's not let that go to waste.