"Arctic Standoff"
July 1975
Written and drawn by Richard Comely
Notes: The credits identify Captain Canuck as an original creation of Ron Leishman.
First appearances by General Sun and Bluefox
Canuck also gets an assist from an Inuit character named Utak...Communist terrorists take over an alert station in the north. They point nuclear missiles at the prairie provinces in an attempt to force Canada to surrender and take over the country.
A science-fiction character named Jonn is introduced in a back-up story.

"The Brain Machine"
Written and drawn by Richard Comely
Notes: George Freeman is credited for colouring the book.
Jack Berger Ltd. gets credit for "photo-lithographic colour separations"
Redcoat and Kébec each make their first appearance
The Captain and his new assistants are tasked with capturing the Communist scientist who made the missiles available to the terrorists in the first issue, as well as any other member of that organization they come across
Jonn's story from issue #1 continues.

"The Canadian Connection"
Story and art by Richard Comely
Inks and colour by Jean-Claude St. Aubin and George Freeman
Notes: Captain Canuck is injured during a raid to capture a rogue M.P. named Rosechuk and hospitalized.
Mr. Gold first appears (in shadows).
Jonn continues in a 6-page story.
A black and white two-page story about "the Canuck Kid" from the 1940's is included at the end of the book.

"Behind The Mask"
July - August 1979
Story by Richard Comley
Art by George Freeman and Jean-Claude St-Aubin
Notes: Captain Canuck and nurse Lorie escape their kidnapping from the previous issue, only to wander into the house to which they were being delivered.
Mr. Gold is revealed.
Nurse Lorie (first name Heather) admits that she has fallen in love with the Captain. Hey, who hasn't?
Catman debuts in an 8-page story and another page of Canuck Kid strips is included.

"Planet Earth 1994"
August/September 1979
Art and Story: Richard D. Comely
Notes: Kebec and Redcoat guest star.
The Captain and his two partners are pulled from space patrol by General Sunn to deal with a Neo-Nazi group in West Germany.
Earth Patrol is introduced, including their leader Lord West and his right-hand man, Stardance, an American electronics expert.
The Captain's origin story, in which he is given his powers by aliens he encounters during a camping trip with boy scouts, is told.
Mike Evans, The Captain's brother, is revealed to have been paralyzed after stepping into the path of a bullet meant for the Captain.
A seven page back up story of the Chaos Corps concludes the issue.

"The Search"
October/November 1979
Writing, art, letters and colours by Richard D. Comely
Inks and colours by George Freeman
Notes: Captain Canuck returns to the town in which he had been imprisoned by Mr. Gold (issue #4) to rescue the kidnapped Lord West.
Redcoat goes undercover to stop a heroin dealer named Samota.
The Catman is featured in a seven-page back up story.

December 1979 / January 1980
Story by Richard Comely
Art by George Freeman
Notes: When the Sicilian mafia attacks his compound, Samota and a henchman named Skinner escape in a submarine, taking an undercover Redcoat with them, and head for the Arctic.
Captain Canuck does some street work to find out that the submarine and its shipment is bound for Halifax. He, Kebec and Stardance locate Samota and play along with Redcoat's undercover story to worm their way into Samota's operations. They direct Samota to the coast of Labrador in order to sell his heroin from a secluded location. Canuck and his team then capture Samota and a number of his buyers.
The seven-page back up story in this issue features Jonn for the first time since issue 3.
"Space Watch, Death Watch, part 1"
February / March 1980
Story and lettering by Richard Comely
Story, art and editing by George Freeman
Notes: After spending some time relaxing at his brother's ranch, the Captain is sent to investigate a series of accidents at a space station which are believed to be the result of sabotage. When a bomb damages the station, the entire crew evacuates, but Captain Canuck appears to be trapped on board.
Jonn's seven-page back-up story concludes his adventures.
"Space Watch, Death Watch, part 2"
April / May 1980
Story and lettering by Richard Comely
Art and editing by George Freeman
Colours by Jean-Claude St. Aubin
A fantasy story called Beyond begins with an eight-page installment in this issue.

July / August 1980
Writing and lettering by Richard Comely
Co-plotting, pencils and inks by George Freeman
Colours by Jean-Claude St. Aubin
Solicitation: In the wee hours of the morning, Captain Canuck finds himself, a cabbie, and a mysterious woman, on the run from bad guys in a deserted Winnipeg office building.
Beyond continues in a seven-page back-up story.

September 1980
"Faith in Those Few": Written by Peter Dawes & art by George Freeman
Redcoat and Kebec stop the sale of stolen jewels.
"Money Run": Written by Richard Comely & art by George Freeman (sideways orientation)
Captain Canuck prevents the theft of the negative used to print Canadian currency
"The Filler": Written by Richard Comely & art by Jean Claude St Aubin
Comedy bit about a writer (George Freeman?) struggling to come up with filler material for a comic book special. Includes the Comely Comics characters of the time in Captain Canuck, Cat-Man and the cast of Beyond.
"Nightmares": Written by Richard Comely & art by George Freeman
Tracking a former enemy, Captain Canuck discovers a hidden cave in which people are being turned into monsters by a madman.
Captain Canuck #11
"Chariots of Fire"
Sept / Oct 1980
Script by Richard Comely
Pencils by George Freeman
Inks and colours by Jean-Claude St. Aubin and George Freeman
Solicitation: Captain Canuck investigates a possible security leak, only to discover the "leak" is a little boy being controlled by aliens - the very aliens who had accidentally given Captain Canuck augmented power. Trying to get the boy and his dad to safety, Captain Canuck is beset by a mob of ordinary people, under the mind-control of the aliens.
Beyond continues in a eight-page back-up story.
Nov / Dec 1980
Plot and script by Richard Comely
Plot, pencils, inks and colours by George Freeman
Solicitation: As C.I.S.O. tries to alert other governments to the alien threat, Captain Canuck attempts to make contact and to reason with them. However, Captain Canuck falls through a time portal with bad-guy alien Nyro-Ka and they both end up in New Brunswick, circa the 11th Century. Meanwhile, everyone else thinks Captain Canuck is dead.
Beyond continues in a eight-page back-up story.
Captain Canuck #13
"Exiles (Chariots of Fire conclusion)"
January / February 1981
Plot: Richard Comely, George Freeman
Script and art: George Freeman
Colours and letters: Jean-Claude St. Aubin
Solicitation: While earth governments unite to battle the alien menace, and outfit a moon base for an assault on the alien spaceship, Captain Canuck - still in the 11th Century - helps some native Mi'kmaq battle Viking invaders. He manages to return to his time on board the alien mother ship. His actions save the day, but his only hope for survival is to leap back into the time portal for a destination unknown.
March / April 1981
Art and Story: George Freeman
Colours and letters: Jean-Claude St. Aubin
Solicitation: Captain Canuck stumbles on a deserted contemporary Ontario town, is "drafted" to fight a raging forest fire, and gets involved in attempted murder and the stealing of an ancient Aztec artifact.
Beyond continued for seven more pages in this issue but the story did not conclude. It remained unfinished until Chapterhouse released a trade paperback version in 2016.
The Captain's stories from the above issues are all collected in the book below, published by Chapterhouse. The promotional text also promises the very difficult to find 15th issues of the series in full colour, as well as never-before-seen art and other extras.
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