Wednesday, November 2, 2016

See You In The Funny Papers, Captain!

A little over two years ago, I stumbled into scans of a six-part Captain Canuck series of newspaper strips shared by a gentleman on Facebook. I shared them on the "They Stand On Guard" blog at the time but this seems like an appropriate place to store them as well. Have a look below.

As was the case at the time, I take absolutely no credit for these. They were originally found on David E. McLains's Graphyc Rythmic Productions group though I failed to find them again just prior to writing this post. I was hoping to get an exact date as to when they were shared and whatever other details Mr. McLain had provided at the time. Parts four through six are posted on the newspaper strip page found just under the banner.

Pretty sweet to have additional Richard Comely / George Freeman material to enjoy. According to Mr. McLain, these are from 1980 so they would feature the original version of the character.

IDW Publishing's "Complete Edition" of Captain Canuck included a few strips as well, from 1995, written and drawn by Richard Comely. That Captain Canuck was the Darren Oak version from the short-lived "Reborn" era.

I'm in the process of gathering information about publishing dates and additional details for these. Whatever I manage to locate will find its way onto the page above.

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