Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What We Learned From Chapterhouse's January 2017 Solicitations

Yes, I swiped that title from Newsarama (or is it Comic Book Resources? Both? Can't recall).

In early September, Chapterhouse Comics announced that they were going to create a "Chapterverse" in 2017, meaning that many of their titles would be more closely connected. Several projects were announced, among them the two below. There are more titles coming out in January, specifically Die, Kitty, Die and The Fourth Planet, but the two listed here are specifically part of this universe and, therefore, featured here.

Story: Kalman Andrasofszky, Blake Northcott
Art: Federica Manfredi
Cover: Sanya Anwar

The Chapterverse launches with this brand new series! The X-Files meets Velvet meets Birds of Prey. 
In Canada. There’s an extra-dimensional breach in the Canadian North. Enter P.A.C.T., the paranormal investigation arm of CSIS. 
With Captain Canuck AWOL, P.A.C.T director Manon DesChamps (formerly Fleur De Lys) must forge her own team of super-agents, pulled from Equilibrium, the Aurora Dawn, and other less savoury sources. She affectionately calls them her Fleurs de Conflit but to the world at large, they are: The Agents of P.A.C.T.!
Nice. When this book was announced, Kebec and Redcoat were named as team members but it was implied that there would be more. I guess we have a look at one of them there. Unless she appeared in Captain Canuck #9 and/or Northguard #2 (released simultaneously last month but which I have yet to read), she's a new creation. For the most part, the Captain Canuck books to this point had focused on re-imagining the characters from the 70s and 80s series so it'll be interesting to see how they do with their own creations.

Story: Jim Zub, Andrew Wheeler
Art: Vaneda Vireak
Cover: Alexander Perkins 
The Chapterverse launches, with this brand new series! 
Lance Valiant, John Cabot, and Tasha Kolchak are fearless explorers who delve into hidden secrets of our world and protect us from threats beyond imagination, but the greatest secret of all may be Lance’s own mysterious past! 
Pulse-pounding action, wit, intrigue, and globe-trotting romance – one of Canada’s original heroes is reborn for the Chapterhouse era!
Well this sounds fun, even if a connection with the good Captain's entourage is not immediately obvious.

But then...Does it have to be? The Captain is said to be AWOL in the Agents of PACT solicitation text. Perhaps this group's formation is a response to that as Captain Canuck is unavailable to respond to these threats. Or Freelance can take place in the Chapterverse without a specific tie to Captain Canuck. Hell, not every DC hero has been in the Justice League (it only feels that way).

The only disappointing aspect of these solicitations is...No Captain Canuck (or Northguard) books forthcoming. The last Canuck book solicited was issue #11 and, at least for the moment, it is expected to be available in late November. Maybe Chapterhouse is making sure that the previously-solicited books are released in due time before soliciting new material. We were told both books are continuing, so no concerns along those lines, but we just have to wait a little longer.

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