Thursday, December 20, 2018

Chapterhouse's 2019 FCBD Offering

I don't even know how to follow Chapterhouse anymore.

They seem intent on going digital-only, which is fine, except that they sort of did it midstream. I have the first two issues of season three in print. I was hoping to at least finish that series in that format before going digital and/or trade from season four on. But the trades just keep getting pushed back. Volume (or season) three is now scheduled for July 2019.

But today the image below appears on social media (I first saw it on Instagram). A trip to the publisher's rebooted website revealed the pitch that follows:

The world was saved as its hero fell. Who will pick up the pieces?  
Michael Evans, the charismatic and genius leader of Equilibrium, has tasked himself to protect the world and rebuild it in the wake of the global attack from the Borealis. But without the aid of his brother Tom, whose heroic sacrifice saved the world, is Michael in any condition to handle the weight of the world on his own? Enter a new Captain Canuck, but just who is behind the mask?  
Find out in this FCBD issue of Captain Canuck! The perfect jumping-on point to the adventures taking place in Captain Canuck Season 5: Equilibrium Shift!

That I know of, the final issue of season four was never solicited and the first issue never released. We're talking about season five (in rather spoilery terms, no less) while the previous season's first issue is five months late.

Hey, that Year One series? Is that still a thing?

I was optimistic that Jay Baruchel's addition to Chapterhouse in the summer of 2017 would stabilize the ship a bit but sadly that hasn't come to pass. The publisher is still burdened by constant tardiness and poor communication.

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